Transition at St John’s Catholic Infant School
Starting school is a tremendously big step for all children. At St John’s Infants, we seek to make this step an easy one to take, and a time of excitement and joy for both paren/carer and child.
We take children into Foundation Stage 2 from several different Nursery settings across Wirral including our own Pre School. The EYFS Lead makes a visit to all the settings in the Summer term and we meet with the parents/carers before your children start school to discuss all you will need to know and to answer any questions that you may have. There is also an opportunity for you to bring your child to visit us, where they can meet new friends and their class teacher.
Once children start in September there is a short Induction period over the first week. The staggered start allows teachers to spend a great deal of time getting to know the children individually and helps them to feel safe abnd happy. During the induction period, we complete statutory baseline assessments, which help the school to identify the strengths and areas of development for each child as they begin school.
Once all the children have started, children in Foundation 2 are paired up with a ‘Special Friend’ in Year 2, who will take care of them throughout their first year in school.
Transfer to the Junior School
Transfer from St John’s Infants to St John’s Junior School is automatic, parents are not required to apply for a place. In preparation for transfer to the Junior School, Year 2 pupils visit the Junior School throughout the year for specially planned events. The teachers at the Junior School also spend some time with the children here. Parents are given the opportunity to visit the Junior School and a parent meeting is held in the summer term. The two schools meet at different events and Church services throughout the year, and therefore most children will become familiar with the Junior School Staff and building. The staff from both schools liaise over the curriculum and also join together for In-service training.
Take a look at the Junior School Website to read more about our Junior School: