Our Governors

Our Governors at St John’s Catholic Infant School


God our Father,

We seek your blessing and support in all the responsibilities we bear as Governors of this school.

May we reach our decisions prompted by a desire to serve.

May your Spirit grant us wisdom and understanding.

Keep the children and staff and all associated with our school under your watchful eye, so that the purpose of our school may flourish for the good of all at all times.

St John the Evangelist - Pray for us

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen

Please see below for information about what our governing body does and how they ensure that we are providing your children with the quality of education they deserve. You can get in touch with Governors via the school office but should contact the Headteacher or class teacher in the first instance regarding operational matters.

School Governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.  Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the Governing Body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.  School Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. The Governing body is made up of different types of governors including foundation, parent, staff, Local Authority and Co-Opted governors.  As a Catholic school, our foundation governors play a crucial role in preserving the Catholic ethos and Character of the school. For more information about becoming a foundation governor, click on the tab below.

Each individual Governor is a member of the Governing body, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual Governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing body.

For more information about the role of School Governors visit the website:


Our Governing Body

St.John's Catholic Infant School is a Voluntary Aided School in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Shrewsbury.

The Instrument of Government states that the school was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. The school is to be conducted as a Catholic School in accordance with Canon Law and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Shrewsbury.

The governing body reconstituted in July 2015 and a new Instrument of Government came into effect on September 1st 2015.

The governing body consists of a total of 14 governors comprising; eight foundation governors, two parent governors, one headteacher, one staff governor, one local authority governor, one co-opted governor.

Meet The Governors

Governing Body Duties and Responsibilities

The main duties and responsibilities of the Governing Body are:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • overseeing the financial management of the school and ensuring value for money

The Committees of The Governing Body

The Governing Body delegates some of its responsibilities to five committees. Each committee meets once a term and reports to the full governors meeting on its work and any actions taken or recommendations to the governors.

Please click on the links below for further Governor information: