Our School Day

Our School Day at St John’s Infants

There are two classes per year group. The classes are as follows;

  • Two Foundation 2 Classes

  • Two Year 1 Classes

  • Two Year 2 Classes.

Children experience individual, paired, group and whole-class teaching. Class sizes do not exceed 30, in accordance with Government regulations. Level 1 and Level 2 Teaching Assistants are deployed to support individual children, or small groups. Level 3 Teaching Assistants are deployed in Foundation 2 and in addition to the Level 3 duties, they also cover whole class teaching.

School starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 3.15 pm (32.5hrs per week). The day is organised as follows;

Foundation Stage 2

Morning session 8.45am – 11.45am

Lunch Break 11.45am - 12.45pm

Afternoon session 12.45pm – 3.15pm

Key Stage One

Year 1:

Morning session 8.45am – 12.00pm

Morning break 10.30 am – 10.45am

Lunch Break 12.00pm - 12.50pm

Afternoon session 1.00pm – 3.15pm

Year 2:

Morning session 8.45 am – 12.10 pm

Morning break 10.30 am – 10.45am

Lunch Break 12.10pm - 1.00pm

Afternoon session 1.00pm – 3.15pm

Children enter and leave school through their own classroom doors. Children will not be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours unless collected by an adult. Parent/Carers collecting children during school hours should use the front entrance and inform the Headteacher or Office Staff before signing them out.

 Good Attendance and Punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality are essential to the progress of each child and parents are encouraged to ensure that their children do not stay away from school without good reason. Punctuality is very important as the school day starts promptly. If your child arrives after 9.00 am, you should report to the school office and check in. Parents should telephone the school on the morning of an absence and record the reason why on compass. Please note that the school has a separate absence line for messages to be left. Written notification of dental and hospital appointments should be given to your child’s teacher beforehand.


Holidays in Term - Time

Following the 2013 regulations for Holidays in Term Time, the Governors will not grant any holidays requested in term time. Should you need to request a leave of absence, a Leave of Absence form must be completed and sent in to the Headteacher stating the reasons for the request. This will then be considered by the Governors. Any holidays taken during term-time without approval will be recorded as unauthorised absences and maybe subject to a fixed penalty notice from the Local Authority.


Unfortunately, car parking outside school is a problem and therefore you are asked to walk to school when possible. If you have to drive, please be patient and courteous, and park sensibly so as not to endanger our children.